020 7042 5800 - 9:00am to 5:00pm - Mon to Fri


Every study we conduct is in accordance with EU legislation and independently approved by govern-mentally authorised ethics committees and by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA), ensuring your well-being is the priority of every study.

Your safety

Clinical research studies are designed with built-in safeguards aimed to protect the medical volunteer. All clinical trials are carried out in line with a stringently controlled study protocol, detailing the required tasks and procedures that are to be carried out by the clinical and research team without any deviation.

Who's involved?

  • Research is sponsored by a pharmaceutical or biotech company who have developed the treatment. The sponsor works with a clinical research organisation to test the safety and efficacy of the treatment in control clinical trials.
  • The Medicine and Healthcare Regulatory Authority(MHRA), a regulatory government body for the UK review and approve the study protocol.
  • Research Physicians (doctors) carry out the testing assisted by Research Nurses and Clinical Trial Assistants. The team of researchers will be responsible for reporting the results to the study sponsor. Volunteer data will not be disclosed in these reports at any time and will remain strictly confidential.
  • Governmentally authorised Ethical Research Committees, consisting of healthcare professionals and non-medical members, whose responsibility is to protect the rights, safety and well-being of human subjects, involved in a clinical trial.