020 7042 5800 - 9:00am to 5:00pm - Mon to Fri
Trial Code
London Bridge
Males & Females
£40 per visit
Nicotine Restrictions
Nicotine users and non-nicotine users included
Duration of stay
The whole process takes approximately 2 weeks, but optional visits can take place for up to 12 months.
Paid on completion of the study.
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*Call us between 09h00 and 17h00
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  • We are conducting a patient engagement study, which is a research study that does not include an investigational drug.
  • This study aims to help participants with or at high risk for ASCVD and/or uncontrolled hyperlipidaemia decide if they want to participate in and confirm if suitable for future gene editing studies aimed to help lower lipids/cholesterol.
  • In this study we are recruiting participants aged 18 to 70 who have or are at high risk to develop atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and/or uncontrolled hyperlipidaemia (high levels of bad cholesterol despite taking available treatments). ASCVD is caused by the buildup of fat in the arteries limiting blood flow to organs which leads to heart attack and stroke.
  • We will give you a tour of the study unit and conduct a number of clinical tests and assessments to establish your current health status.
  • You will be reimbursed for your travel expenses if you take part in this study.

A member of our recruitment team will discuss the patient engagement study with you before your in-person visit to explain the study details and confirm interest.

If you are interested in participating in this patient engagement study:

  • You will be asked to attend an in-person visit, during which we will give you a tour of the study unit and perform tests and assessments such as taking your blood, checking your heart and carrying out a physical examination. These tests can be spread over multiple days (if required).
  • You will have a follow-up telephone call with the Study Doctor within 2 weeks after the in-person visit to discuss the results of the clinical assessments you have undergone and provide you with the opportunity to ask any questions.
  • While taking part in the study, you will receive information on available gene editing clinical trials that may be a good fit for you. If you agree, we will also provide you with a hard copy of a patient information sheet for an upcoming gene editing clinical trial to take home (if available).
  • This means the whole process takes approximately 2 weeks, but optional visits can take place for up to 12 months.
  • You may be offered an optional additional in-person visit for repeat clinical tests and assessments if there are significant changes to your health, at the Study Doctor’s discretion. In total, you will come to the research unit at least once.
Register for this trial

Who can take part?

We will check your eligibility for the patient engagement study using the following criteria:

  • You must be a male or female aged between 18 to 70 years (inclusive).
  • You must have a known or suspected history of one of the following:

ASCVD and/or severe hypercholesterolemia (high levels of cholesterol in blood) and/or familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) (an inherited condition that causes very high cholesterol levels).

  • You must be currently taking a cholesterol-lowering medicine (e.g., statin, ezetimibe, or PCSK9 inhibitor) or have a documented history of side effects to at least one cholesterol-lowering medicine.
  • You must have cholesterol levels that remain too high even after taking approved cholesterol lowering medications. You must be able and willing to provide informed consent to participate.
  • You must be able and willing to comply with study assessments.

Participant Reimbursement

Study participants will be reimbursed for any study-related travel expenses. You will receive up to a maximum amount of £40 per visit. Please ask the study staff for more information.


Please call a recruitment team member on 020 7042 5800 to discuss study dates, or register to receive a call back.


The contents of this email have been approved by an ethics committee. Any response to this advertisement will be recorded. Your response will not place you under any obligation to participate in this study.

Ref: C24065_Dec-2024 (email_website_advert text)

Register for this trial
If you would like to speak to a member of our Volunteer Recruitment Team, call us on 020 7042 5800
Register for this clinical trial

Contact our Volunteer Recruitment Team

Ref: C24065 - (email_website_advert text)

Comments from volunteers

Thanks very much to the Volunteer Recruitment Team. I am so excited to be part of this trial. I can’t thank you and your colleagues enough for all your help, professionalism, and kindness.

Steve K

Unbelievable service! They looked after me so well, and I would recommend them to anyone interested in participating in a clinical trial. I want to thank all the staff at trials4us for their continued efforts and for looking after me so well.


Very impressive. Thank you for taking care of me and for the valuable service you offer.


Very professional environment in the heart of London to conduct studies that help discover the medicines of the future.


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